Are you ready to embark on a journey to the top of the world? Okay, maybe not the very top, but close enough. That's right, we're talking about Everest Base Camp. But before you go packing your bags with all your favourite outdoor gear, let's take a moment to discuss what you'll actually need to survive the frigid temperatures of the Himalayas before we move on to Everest Base Camp clothing recommendations.
Let's Set The Scene
For those of you planning to trek to Everest Base Camp, you'll likely be doing so during the pre- or post-monsoon months. And let me tell you, those months are nothing to sneeze at. We're talking March, April, May, late September, October, and November. But don't let the thought of monsoons scare you away - these are actually the best months to trek to Everest Base Camp, with the highest success rates.
Why is that you may ask? Well, partly because of the lower average rainfall and more stable temperatures. But mostly because it's just a really good time to be there.
So, what should you pack for this adventure of a lifetime?
Welcome to Kathmandu, the bustling capital city of Nepal, where the adventure of a lifetime awaits you. But before we hit the trails, let's take a moment to talk about what to wear in this vibrant city.
During the Kathamandu trekking seasons, it can reach scorching temperatures of up to 30 degrees Celsius. Trust me, you do not want to be caught dead in a parka and snow boots. Instead, I suggest packing some lightweight and breathable clothing, such as a comfortable T-shirt and shorts. And don't forget your sandals - your feet will thank you for it!
But wait, before you slip into your favourite tank top and flip flops, keep in mind that Nepal is a country with a rich and unique culture. It's important to respect the local customs and dress modestly. So, while you may want to wear something that will keep you cool, make sure it's also respectful of the local culture.
And let's not forget the sun - it can be brutal. So, pack that sunhat, slather on the sunscreen, and don't leave home without your trusty sunglasses. With all these items in your luggage, you'll be ready to take on the sights and sounds of Kathmandu in style!
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Shortly after we touched down in Lukla, we switched to some warmer gear
Ah, Lukla. The gateway to the Himalayas. As you arrive in this small town, you may feel a slight chill in the air, signalling that you are one step closer to your ultimate destination - Everest Base Camp.
While the days are still warm and sunny, the temperature drops significantly in the evenings. So, it's always a good idea to pack some extra layers such as a warm fleece and long trekking trousers. Trust me, you don't want to be shivering in your shorts and t-shirt at night!
But remember, once you start trekking, it's important to avoid heavy-weight clothing such as jeans and cotton. These fabrics do not allow your skin to breathe, causing you to sweat excessively and develop an unpleasant odour that may not make you the most popular trekker amongst your group. Instead, opt for breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics that will keep you comfortable and odour-free throughout your journey.
As for footwear, a good pair of walking boots and light trekking socks are essential for the rough terrain you'll encounter on the trail. And don't forget your hiking poles - they'll come in handy when the going gets tough.
But let's not forget about the sun. As you ascend in altitude, the sun's rays become stronger and more harmful to your skin. So, don't forget to pack your trusty sunglasses and sunhat, and always wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the harsh UV rays. And in case of sudden rain, make sure to have waterproofs in your day bag.
So, with your breathable clothing and essential gear packed, you're ready to tackle the trails and embrace the adventure that lies ahead!
We are up at 3,440m now! Although we are getting to higher altitudes, it is still warm during the day. Having said that, the weather can change in an instant so you may benefit from having some extra layers in your day sack just in case. Most people will spend some time acclimatising at this altitude so there may be lots of small treks or resting being done. Average temperatures here are around 17 degrees Celsius.
Items worn: Walking boots, light trekking socks, Performance T-shirt, Trekking shorts, Buff, Sunglasses, Sunhat, Hiking poles, Waterproofs in my day bag, Fleece and trousers for the evening
The weather can change quite quickly at higher altitudes. Prepare for everything!
Namche to Gorak Shep
As you slowly make your way higher and higher along the trails, passing through the small villages and local communities, you will start to feel that the air is getting thin and the temperatures slightly colder. Don’t let this fool you though; Sun cream is still very much needed!
Whilst your body is moving and trekking, you will still sweat and feel quite warm. However, once you stop and the sun goes down, it instantly gets cold. Most of the tea houses had a log burner which kept us warm in the communal area, but I benefitted from my warm sleeping bag when I was in my bedroom. Temperatures during the day are still around 10 degrees Celsius and in the evening are dropping to well below zero.
Items worn: Walking boots, medium thickness walking socks, Performance T-shirt, fleece, trekking trousers, buff, sunglasses, sunhat, hiking poles, waterproofs in my day bag, Long Johns and down jacket in the evenings.
The sun has gone down here in the Everest Base Camp Tea House, and you now are well equipped with the knowledge on dressing for an Everest Base Camp trek. Time to get the down jackets on!